Hi Chiratan,
if this is part of standard program, I think you should 1st check SAPNET OSS notes.
Maybe some notes correcting this already exist.
Try to search with VCDCOND + Performance or the standard program name + performance.
If the index are not used even after stats were calculated again, then it means maybe that the stats of the table+index lead the DB to that choice.
So for example if the index 9 has very few disctinct values, and this table is big, then maybe DB will go to a full scan instead to use an index which seems not efficient for it.
So maybe check the stats of the table & index .
And check if really these index will be better than full scans.
I dont know this table size on your systems. But "full scan" is not equal to "bad" .
Did you notice that these full scans are long ? Or just trying to avoid full scans ? (because we all always read that "full scan" is bad).
How much time is spend on these SELECTs ?