Hi Anil,
I did Import from Erwin 4.x and 7.x models to PD 16.1
A) For Erwin you have under File Menu=>Export=>To External Format. Select Destination Sybase PowerDesigner PDM 8.x to 15.x. Run PD 16.2 and Open your new PDM file. PD convert from 15.x to 16.2. CA/Embarcadero has established a deal to have inside Erwin MetaIntegration bridge. IfI remember correctlyyou have to buya license. Several options areavailable at thebridgeso you canachieve the best migration.
B) For your information Import Erwin 8.x and 9.x files have never been tested for PD! Ido not thinkSAPhasan interest now inthe subject.
PowerDesigner supports, with their old home bridge, the import of the following ERwin v3.x and higher model files, though v4.x or higher files are recommended, as they contain more metadata:
• ERwin v3.x (.erx)
• ERwin v4.x (.xml)
• ERwin v7.x (.xml) – the ERwin model must be saved as Standard XML Format, and you must uncheck Only save minimum amount of information in the ERwin Save as XML File dialog box (Erwin 3.x and 4.x).
Note : Import from Erwin 4.x or 7.x .xml standard file work but it's not perfect! In 2012-2013to my requestsSybase/ SAPhavemadeseveralcorrections. It's better but there are still someproblems. I suggest youmakeregressivetests.
C) You can use Toolbus of Reischman or MetaIntegration bridge. But you must pay $$$ and also you must do regressive tests. Nothing is perfect. It's the life!
D) You can also downgrade...From Erwin 9.x you can save model in 8.x Erwin format. Open Erwin software version 8.x and save as xml standard. But it's not necessary a good idea...and I doesn't remember If the result is better!
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