Good evening toeveryone in the group.
Sorrymyenglishis not very good.
I needa help, because I have thefollowing situationin the transactionVL10C, I'm implementinginincludeMV50AFZ1
perform: USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_LIPSoruserexit_save_document_prepare.
The following logic, I have an OVwith 3materialseg.
Sequence: 10, 20 and 30.
I willvalidate thematerialsagainst somecustomer rules, materials that do not meetthe rule
should be disregardedin the generationof the consignment.
If the materialdoes notmeet10:20the consignment willbe generatedonly withthe material30.
If nonemeetthe consignmentwill not be generated.
But I mustnotdelete the datainLIPS, sincethe materials maybeupdatedand the user canattempt to generatereferralagain.
Has anyone done this? Anyfield thatI changenottoconsider the materialin the generationof the consignment?