Using SAP 9.0 PL7
I am converting transaction history from another ERP to SBO 9.0 PL7.
I have come across a stock adjustment transaction type that can change either/both cost or quantity for a particular stock item.
In the SBO client I can see that Inventory->Inventory Transactions->Inventory Revaluation allows changing the cost for a particular item/warehouse (and revalues all the inventory in that warehouse accordingly).
Is there a way to change just the quantity via the client?
Can the following code snippet from Stock Revaluation By SDK be used to alter both cost & quantity?
Dim MatrialRevaluation As SAPbobsCOM.MaterialRevaluation
MatrialRevaluation = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oMaterialRevaluation)
MatrialRevaluation.Lines.ItemCode = "CR001-001"
MatrialRevaluation.Lines.RevaluationDecrementAccount = "R00071"
MatrialRevaluation.Lines.RevaluationIncrementAccount = "R00071"
MatrialRevaluation.Lines.WarehouseCode = "DEL"
MatrialRevaluation.Lines.Price = 2000
MatrialRevaluation.Lines.Quantity = 10
lRetCode = MatrialRevaluation.Add()
If lRetCode <> 0 Then ' If the addition failed
oCompany.GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
MsgBox(lErrCode & " " & sErrMsg) ' Display error message
cmdInvoice.Enabled = True
MsgBox("Entry successful")
End If