Hi Shruti,
I'll explain a bit before jumping to the error part.
The gateway service I'm using is:
This returns a collection of bank keys on specifying a bank country:
Now, I presume this part of the code does the above:
var filter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("bank_ctry",FilterOperator.EQ, "IN");
which results in a query:
and should return me the list of bank keys under bank country 'IN'.
Instead, I'm getting a blank page. Even the basic UI elements are not loading.
If the code is doing what I want, I should've got the output. I need you to confirm if what I'm trying to do is what has been implemented in your code. If not what changes do I need to make?
As I mentioned earlier, my service has a couple of functions. If I view this is gateway or implement in any other platform, what I do is I ask the user to input the bank country (say 'IN') and I call the service (with a button click say) and it returns me a list of bank keys. Now if I click on a particular bank key it shows me the detail of the bank pertaining to that specific bank key. So there are basically 2 functions packed into the service which has to be used successively. Help me figure out how to do this and how to trigger the first function on user input?
Thanking you in advance!